Series: His|Story Begins
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Series: His|Story Begins
Series Details
His|Story Begins
A Study in the book of Genesis
January 5, 2020 - March 21, 2021
The book of Genesis is the foundation for all the rest of the Bible. All of the great teachings of Scripture find their beginnings in the book of Genesis. Genesis begins by telling us that there is a God, and that He is Creator and Ruler over all History. The very opening verses of Genesis address deep life issues that aren’t fully resolved until the closing verses of Revelation! The Bible is really one epic story from beginning to end. A bunch of little stories that all point to the Big Story. And the Hero of that story is Jesus! Our hope is that this journey through Genesis will strengthen your faith that He has a plan for history… and for your life!

Sermons in His|Story Begins
7 February 2021
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis
31 January 2021
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis
10 January 2021
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Brandon Lohr
Book: Genesis
3 January 2021
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis
8 November 2020
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis
20 September 2020
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mark Hackbarth
Book: Genesis
2 August 2020
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis
14 June 2020
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis
19 April 2020
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis
16 February 2020
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis
19 January 2020
Series: His|Story Begins
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Book: Genesis