Come and See

23 January 2022
Book: John

Speaker: Mickey Lohr


Come and see.

The moment John and Andrew saw Jesus for the first time, they followed Jesus and asked a crazy bold question: “Where are you staying?” They didn’t ask Jesus to give them a minute, a message or a miracle. They asked for His address.

Jesus’ response? “Come and see.” He didn’t avoid or turn them away. He said, “Come with Me, I’ll show you.” He wanted to spend time with them.

Come and see.

Say it to your friends, neighbors, teachers, colleagues, everyone in your life. It’s a great place to start, to invite people into your life so they can see Jesus for themselves. Once they meet Him, they’ll notice Jesus is accessible, approachable, available. They’ll discover Jesus knows me. He finds me and comes to me right where I’m at and doesn’t leave me there. He sees me, pursues me, invites me to “Come, follow Me.”

Men’s Breakfast Study Guide PDF