The Most Important Question In History
The Most Important Question In History
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Bible Passage: John 10:22-42
Everyone has an opinion about Jesus. Some say He was a mythical figure, a crazy radical, a first-century huckster, a wise philosopher, an ordinary human being, a good man but certainly not the Son of God. Others question that He existed at all. Most Americans say He was a great teacher and nothing more. Fewer are saying He is the Messiah, the Christ, God Himself. You see, this list of opinions is seemingly endless.
Back in the day, religious leaders wanted Jesus to make it clear, asking Him, “Tell us plainly, who are You?” So He did. He answered the most important question ever. He let them know who He was. You can read it for yourself in John 10:22-42.
As you can see, there are many opinions about Jesus. It matters that you get it right. It is our prayer that you come to know the real and living Jesus and recognize Him as your Lord, God and Savior.
We all have a decision to make about who Jesus is. Who do you say He is?