Hope for a Failure Part Two

11 December 2022
Book: John

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: John 21:15-25


It’s a story of two fires. The first is when Peter stood next to a fire of coals. He denied knowing Jesus, cussing like a sailor. He failed publicly and painfully. The second was on a beach when Jesus came on a search and rescue mission for Peter, inviting him to breakfast. As Peter was walking toward Him, the first thing he saw was a fire of coals.  

Jesus came intentionally to restore Peter publicly and personally. Jesus not only restored their relationship, but restored Peter’s ministry. Jesus still had a great plan, a great purpose for Peter. Ultimately, Peter fulfilled this purpose. The last recorded words of Jesus in the book of John are “You follow Me.” And Peter did! He pointed to Jesus the rest of his life and brought honor to Jesus even in his death. 

Jesus not only restores failures, He uses failures.

Are you some place between the two fires? Have your fumbles and stumbles left you questioning your place in God’s plan? If so, remember the seaside breakfast. Let this story remind you that Jesus is not finished with you either. He takes you from failure to faithful. He offers a personal invitation to you: “Come and follow Me.” Jesus still has a purpose for your life!




Text adapted from Mickey Lohr & Dave Herring