Hope for a Failure Part 1

4 December 2022
Book: John

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: John 21:1-14


Peter had failed miserably. What hurts more? The fact that he had denied Jesus, not just once but three times or that he boasted he wouldn’t ever do such a thing? Peter is guilty of both. Now his heart is dark. He’s feeling devastated, defeated and desperate. 

Peter must have wondered: After what I did, would Jesus return for someone like me?

We may have wondered the same thing. We’ve been in the same boat as Peter, doing something we’d swore we’d never do, questioning whether Jesus has a place for folks like me.

When we deserve nothing, Jesus meets us right where we are. He invites us to “breakfast” — to spend time with Him. And extends grace, forgiveness and restoration. His love never fails.