When You've Been With Jesus

20 October 2024
Book: Acts

Speaker: Brandon Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts 4:1-22


When You've Been With Jesus

Bumper stickers tell a lot about us. Sometimes they let others know our philosophies, who we’re voting for, that we love to go mountain hiking or like to brag about our smart kids, and provide any number of reasons to hear more honking. Or it simply might be a silhouette of the Lord of the Rings characters that kinda look like a nativity scene. Okay, you get the picture already. So…if you could create a personalized bumper sticker, what would it say?

Here’s the Reader’s Digest version of a great Bible story. About a crippled beggar. Healed. Leaps around. Praises God. A crowd gathers. Peter preaches. Thousands believe. Authorities don’t like it. Peter and John are thrown in jail. 

And now they are standing trial before a room-full of powerful religious leaders. Yet these council members are amazed when they see the boldness and wisdom of Peter and John. They can see they are ordinary men, fishermen no less, with no special training in the Scriptures.

Ultimately, they recognize Peter and John had been with Jesus.  O what a statement!

Linger long and often in His presence. When we are with Jesus, nothing can stop God’s work. Indeed, His work is undeniable. We can trust Him to empower us to do all things for Him. No fear. No hesitation. Silence is no longer an option. We won’t be able to stop talking about Jesus. People will notice: we have been with Jesus! 

So what is the bumper sticker of your life going to say now?