When You Are At The End
When You Are At The End
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Summary of Revelation 1
Jesus introduces himself as the writer of Revelation and the one being revealed. He offers a blessing to the reader and keeper of its word. There is a greeting of grace and peace and a statement of praise to Jesus. Next, there is a description of the return of Jesus and an introduction from Jesus himself. John is on the island of Patmos and is commanded to write. John has a vision of Jesus in the midst of the lampstands and he describes Jesus. John reacts and Jesus reassures him. Jesus, again, commands John to write and offers an explanation of what he saw.
- Genesis and Revelation are bookends of His Story. In Genesis you have the story of the beginning of human sin and in Revelation you have the end of it recounted. In Genesis there is the beginning of civilization and of history and in Revelation we learn the end of both. In Genesis you learn of the beginning of the judgments of God upon mankind and in Revelation you see the end of them. These two books belong together.
- Having God reveal the conclusion of His Story gives us the ability, if we believe and trust in Him, to put down the burden of worry regarding it because Jesus holds the keys to both Death & Hades and neither can harm those who believe in Him.
Supporting Verses