When the Holy Spirit Sends

2 March 2025
Book: Acts

Speaker: Brandon Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts 13:1-12


It’s that time of year to start planting seeds for our gardens. A seed cannot sprout and flourish without dirt, sunlight, water and God’s tender-loving touch. So, too, the church relies on the work of the Holy Spirit to grow and be healthy, bringing life and transformation to hearts. Ultimately the Holy Spirit works in and through the lives of ordinary people from all walks of life, cultures and backgrounds to spread the good news of Jesus throughout the earth.

Check out what the leaders of the early church did when they sent Barnabas and Saul on their first missionary journey. We can do the same: Pray. Wait on the Lord. Minister *to* Him. Then go — not as one who went, but as one who is sent.

It’s exciting to see what happens when the Holy Spirit is at work in the church and He is doing the sending! Amidst so many things, there will be unity in His church, His voice will be clear, and God’s will and sovereign plan will be done, proclaiming the gospel everywhere.

When the Holy Spirit is at work, nothing — absolutely nothing — can stop Him!