There is Righteousness for You

18 February 2024
Book: Galatians

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Galatians 2:15-21


A fellow in England was driving around Europe on vacation, when blimey! his Rolls Royce quit working. He called his Rolls Royce dealership about his dilemma and immediately they flew a mechanic to his location. Repairs were made and the man continued on his road trip. As you can imagine, the guy was wondering how much it was going to cost him, picturing big dollar signs. A few months passed and no bill arrived. So he called his dealership once again. Their reply? “There is no record anywhere in our files that anything ever went wrong with a Rolls-Royce.” 

That is justification. 

Perhaps when you were little, you heard the definition for justification in Sunday School as “Just as if I never sinned.” That’s it! That’s what Jesus did for us. He not only forgives us, He also makes us right with God, covering us with His righteousness. When Jesus’ final words on the cross were, “It is finished!” He wasn’t fooling. His work is complete, there is nothing left for us to do except turn and trust in Him by faith. 

Justification indeed. In one sentence: God works for you, in you, and through you. All because Jesus paid it all!