There is Blessing for You

25 February 2024
Book: Galatians

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Galatians 3:1-14


There’s a picture from Auschwitz that is haunting. Above the entryway to the concentration camp were the words, Arbeit macht frei — which means, “work makes free.” The Nazis made the people believe hard work would equal liberation. It was a lie, a false hope. The promised “liberation” was horrifying suffering and even death. 

That phrase is still haunting today. It’s a religious lie, a false hope, an impossible dream for many people in the world. They believe their good works will be good enough to go to heaven. It is the hope of every false religion.

It’s the love of God that liberates. It’s the cross of Jesus Christ that gives us freedom. He died in our place, and you and I are free.

That is what it means to have a real, life-changing relationship with God, with the Creator who knows you and loves you. He is the One who pursues and rescues, restores and redeems. He gives us the biggest blessing of all. Himself!

How do we receive that? Trust in Jesus through faith. What are you waiting for?