The First Miracle?

6 October 2024
Book: Acts

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts 3:1-10


Check out the disparity: a bedraggled beggar sitting near the Beautiful gate. He has never taken a step in his life, never climbed a tree or played football or had a job.  More than that, he had never been allowed inside the temple. He was a man without hope, broken, away from God. The best he could expect was a few coins everyday.

But God made a way for this social outcast to come into His presence. 

Peter and John were on their way to the temple, but on this day, they stopped. And looked at the crippled man. Intently. They had no coins to give the beggar, but they had something O-so-much-better!

Peter’s strong, burly hand reached out for the frail, bony one of the beggar. The hand was Peter’s, the power was God’s. In a blink, this man was more-than-healed. He was made whole! His relationship with Jesus was fully restored. This once broken hopeless man wasn’t wobbly or tentative. He knew how to celebrate. This guy who could never enter the temple,  entered into the presence of God for the first time, and he did so leaping high, full of praise and worshipping God. And people noticed.

We have been given a monumental mission: To point people to Jesus, revealing glimpses of His Kingdom here and now. The next time you see someone hurting, lost and alone — do not simply pass by — but stop, intently see each one, reach out, encourage and lift them up. Point them to our Savior so they, too, will be made whole, their relationship with Jesus fully restored.

Perhaps you relate more with the lame man, feeling broken, helpless and hopeless, far away from God. Know Jesus is reaching out to you, ready to heal and give you new life, restoring your relationship with Him, making you whole today.