The Blessing and Assurance of Persecution
The Blessing and Assurance of Persecution
Speaker: Brandon Lohr
Bible Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1
Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer are two American aide workers who left the comforts of home to serve the poor and oppressed in Afghanistan. After a few months, their lives were thrown into chaos — they were arrested, shared a cramped disgusting cell for 100 days and threatened with death by the Taliban. Their crime? Telling others about Jesus.
In their book, “Prisoners of Hope,” they shared how their faith motivated them and sustained them through every moment, and wrote these words: “To our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your everlasting love healed our hearts and set us free. May we honor and love You with all that we are for all of our days.”
Their words reflect how they were willing to risk persecution and death for the sake of taking the gospel to the lost. It surely puts persecution into perspective.
The apostle Paul assures us that we will face persecution. And even goes deeper, that there is a purpose for persecution — it is a blessing and assurance! What we go through for the sake of the gospel is actually evidence that God is at work in our lives. It’s proof that our faith is genuine.
Who knew persecution is a gift? Now, you do! Paul encourages us that we can endure it, all the while keeping our eyes on Jesus, and we will be blessed, refined and counted worthy of His kingdom. When he puts it that way, it sounds like persecution is indeed a time to celebrate!