The Best Day

15 September 2024
Book: Acts

Speaker: Tom Beaman

Bible Passage: Acts 2:1-13


A seminary student was writing a term paper about confessing sin. At one point he intended to type, “When we confess our sins, He takes away our guilt.” But when he came to the word guilt, the computer auto-corrected. Guilt became quilt. All of a sudden, we had our quilt taken away. He turned in the paper without noticing his error.

When the paper was returned, the student grinned as he read the marginal note from the professor: “Never fear, little one, you’ll never freeze, because God gave us a Comforter.”

God invites us to participate in His mission. He succinctly states, “You *will be* my witnesses!” When God gives us something to do, He gives us tools and provides us with everything we need to accomplish it. This is why the Holy Spirit has come, to equip and empower us to be His witnesses. This naturally gives us courage and confidence to go for it.

The Holy Spirit has indeed come! How do we receive the Holy Spirit? Believe! That’s it! Jesus even said, “Believe in Me and living water will flow out of your heart!” That living water? It’s the Holy Spirit.

When we abide in Him and He lives in us, we will bear much fruit. We can do all things through Him. There’s nothing to fear, little one, the Comforter is here. Nothing is stopping us now!