Rejoice! with His Little Feet

19 November 2023

Bible Passage: Philippians 4:4


’Tis the best time of the year — gathering with family and friends, enjoying turkey and fun and even some football. Well, maybe a lotta football — as we enter the holiday season with thanksgiving.

What would happen if we changed Thanksgiving into Thanks-living. Instead of focusing on giving thanks one day of the year, to choose to live with a grateful heart, to radiate His joy all year round, to “Rejoice in the Lord always.” No matter what the day may bring. No matter what may cross our path. No matter the doom and gloom that may surround us. Live with a grateful heart.

Our Sunday service was filled with rejoicing and giving praise and thanks, featuring the international children’s choir, His Little Feet. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to watch the service.