Pride and the Fall of Babylon

24 September 2023
Book: Daniel

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Daniel 5


Somehow whenever a mound of dirt is dumped on a vacant lot, it draws neighborhood children near and far. Back in the day, we played King of the Mountain. The rules are brutal: fight your way to the top and push off the king from the top spot to be the “new” king. As expected, the king gets toppled often and tumbles all the way down.

Variations of King of the Mountain are played every day in every classroom, dorm room, workplace, playground, conference room and family room. Since mountaintop real estate is limited, people tend to get pushed and shoved and bruised and broken in the process. Mark it down: if you want to be king, someone is going to hurt. 

Also remember: First pride, then the crash.

Observe the pride of King Belshazzar. The enemy is right outside the walls of Babylon. And Belshazzar chooses to party with his elite. They mock God by drinking from precious goblets — the ones stolen from the Jewish temple by his Grandaddy Neb — all the while praising their Babylonian gods. In the midst of this blasphemous wine-and-dining, a hand suddenly appears and writes four words on the wall, foretelling Belshazzar’s number is up. No fooling. Not long after he saw the writing on the wall, Belshazzar was killed. His kingdom was conquered. The party was over. Babylon falls.

What is the lesson we can learn from the last king of Babylon? When we allow pride to consume us, the “writing on the wall” foretells a sooner-than-later fall and destruction. Ignoring God’s truth has always led to grievous consequences. Pride comes at a high price. Don’t pay it. Instead, repent, denounce pride and humble yourself before God. Get on your knees before Jesus our Savior; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.

The choice is yours: choose to be prideful and experience a great tumbling fumbling fall that ends in destruction OR choose Jesus and experience His extravagant love, grace and freedom.



READ: Daniel 5
WATCH Sunday’s service

INTRO: If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?


  • Find all the examples of Belshazzar’s pride.
  • What does his pride lead him to do — which worsens his situation?


  • Why did the king react the way he did when he saw the hand writing on the wall?
    What does this reveal about him?
  • How do you respond when God reveals areas in your life that are not honoring Him?


  • List the reasons the queen recommended Daniel. What does this say about Daniel?

HUMILITY (5:13-23)

  • It is ironic: Belshazzar had to ask for help from a Jew whose God he had just insulted. List the ways Daniel shows humility.
  • How could Belshazzar learn from his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar about humility?
  • Why are we so slow to learn lessons from the example of others? from the past?


  • What did the writing on the wall message mean? How did this message come to pass?
  • Once again, God demonstrates His control over kings and kingdoms and His plan will not be thwarted. How does this encourage you? Challenge you?


  • Why is it important for us to recognize God’s holiness?
  • How have you seen “the writing on the wall” from God? How did you respond to Him?
  • What area(s) of your life are you proud? What would it look like to humble yourself?

CONCLUSION: What did you learn this week? How will this impact your walk?