Preserving the Gospel: Saved Through Grace
Preserving the Gospel: Saved Through Grace
Speaker: Brandon Lohr
Bible Passage: Acts 15:1-35
Imagine a farmer using a rough, poorly fitted yoke on his oxen. The yoke, meant to help them pull a plow, instead causes immense pain, discomfort and hinders them from doing their work. A perfect picture of the bondage of trying to live up to a rigid, demanding impossible set of rules and traditions. This was a challenge the early church faced.
As the church was growing, it faced many obstacles and opposition. It wasn’t long before some guys show up insisting that Gentiles follow the Mosaic Law to become a Christian. This included circumcision. Now, that is a clunky heavy yoke to carry around. Throughout Jewish history the Jews could never obey the law perfectly. They always failed, so how did they expect the Gentiles to do so now?
It’s quite the story. The apostles and elders meet in Jerusalem to discuss this controversy. The apostles share their stories, experiences and testimonies. The clincher was when Peter said, “We believe that we are *all* saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.” Saved by grace! Jesus paid the price for us. He carries our load for us. That’s it. Nothing else is needed. Everyone agrees — and the gospel is preserved.
His gift is still offered today. We are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus. It’s a simple truth — salvation is by faith, not by works, it is a gift from God. Turn to Jesus, make Him Lord of your life through faith alone. There is great freedom, no yoke, only found in Jesus!