Preparing to Change the World

8 September 2024
Book: Acts

Speaker: Brandon Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts 1:12-26


Waiting. It seems that sometimes all we do all day long is wait. We wait in endless lines. We wait in traffic jams, at stop lights, at railroad crossings for long slow moving trains to pass. We wait in waiting rooms, for lab reports and test results. We wait for the weekend, a promotion, our next adventure. One thing is for sure, waiting is a part of life.

Just before Jesus returns to heaven, He tells His followers to wait. Wait for the gift of the promised Holy Spirit. But waiting didn’t mean they were to do nothing. Jesus didn’t say, “Sit around, take a nap, mope and be sad because I’m gone.” No, indeed!

You see, Jesus told His followers that they were about to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. As we know, this changed the world, turning it upside down. But first they needed to wait for His power. While waiting, they anticipated what was to come and prepared by coming together in prayer, fellowship, worship and the study of His Word. Most importantly, Jesus was at the center of everything they did!

The same goes for us. We can learn from the disciples. We can prepare to change the world now! Go to God in prayer. Ask for His strength and guidance before we do anything. Read the Word, study it, do what it says. Hang out with fellow believers, worshiping together, encouraging and building each other up. Focus on Jesus. Every moment. Every day.