"Ordinary" Servants

17 November 2024
Book: Acts

Speaker: Brandon Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts:6:1-7


As the story goes, a teenage son never missed a chance to remind his parents that he needed a car. One day, as his mom was driving him to school, it was obvious they were going to be late, so she asked him to write a note and she’d simply sign it. He did. It read: “Sam is late this morning due to car trouble. The trouble is, Sam doesn’t own his own car, and his mom drives too slowly.”

O the problems that arise when needs are not met. Like the time in the early church, when some Greek-speaking widows felt neglected. The answer? The apostles called a meeting and asked for help choosing seven wise faith-filled men to be in charge of this service. The ultimate result? God used these “ordinary” servants to do extraordinary things! Not only were the widows’ needs met, but God’s message prospered and the church exploded like crazy throughout the whole world!

Look what happens when each person in our church family uses their God-given gifts — we all have front-row seats watching God at work in people’s lives. Amazing things happen! Know how significant you are to God and His church. Step out, use your gifts for Him and see His extraordinary results.