One Martyred, One Rescued
One Martyred, One Rescued
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Bible Passage: Acts 12
Years ago, Max Lucado’s two-year-old daughter fell into a pool and was rescued by a friend. The following morning, during his prayer time, Max was expressing his deep gratitude, “Thank You, God, You are so good!” He explains that certain thoughts came to mind, as if God Himself were speaking: “Would I be less good had she drowned? Would I be less good for inviting her home?”
Serving God and living a godly life does not always look like what we expect. Look at chapter twelve in the book of Acts, a story about two of Jesus’ disciples: James was martyred, and Peter was rescued. Why? Why was one killed, and one spared? We don’t know, but God does. In both situations — in all situations — God is good and sovereign. He is always faithful to His plan.
To live the Christian life is to live for *His* plans. Therefore, no matter what happens to us, we know His plan is prevailing. And it’s good! Are you getting the picture? All events happen by the sovereign hand of our good God. HE is still on His throne, ruling and reigning, directing all things for our good and His glory. Nothing, nothing in this world can hinder that. Our God is indeed a good sovereign God!