Looking Forward in Faith

12 November 2023
Book: Daniel

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Daniel 12


“Nuclear war is no threat to God. Yo-yo economies don’t intimidate the heavens. Immoral leaders have never derailed the plan. God has kept no secrets. He has told us that, while on this yellow brick road of life, we will experience trouble. Disease will afflict bodies. Divorce will break hearts. Devastation will destroy countries. We should not expect any less. In fact, it’s only going to get worse. We needn’t fear nor panic.”  (adapted from Max Lucado)

God keeps His promises.

See for yourself. Read Daniel 12. Amidst all the “end of days” prophecies, this chapter is chock full of promises. Check it out:

  • God’s people will be saved from trouble (v1)
  • God raises many who have been long dead and buried — to eternal life (vv2-3)
  • God reigns — and controls the future (vv4-9)
  • Forgiveness and restoration — washed clean and made like new (vv10-12)
  • Rewards for the faithful: Go about your business, trusting and without worry. Relax. When it’s all over, you will be on your feet to receive the inheritance set aside for you. (v13)

These promises encourage us to live like we know the end of the story — because we do! Just a few more scenes. Just a few more turns in the road. And the end of evil and the enemy will take place. It’s on God’s calendar. He wants you to know! Jesus is coming! 

ALL this so we can look forward in faith — and remain faithful in a hostile land.