Jesus is Coming

Speaker: Mickey Lohr


What would you do if you thought the end of the world was near?

Would you quit everything, practice “duck-n-cover” drills, and build a bunker? Would you make a bucket list and work through it with great urgency? Would you sit on the back porch with a good cup of coffee, or build a cabin in the woods and fish by the river or simply cuddle the ones you love?

Scholars, theologians and nearly everyone under the sun have theories about the end times and when Jesus will return. One thing is certain, it will happen. “The day of the Lord is coming just like a thief in the night.” God wants this day to be unexpected, but He wants His people to be prepared for the unexpected, to live with eyes open and hearts anticipating Him. The certainty of His return should cause us to live rightly, to follow Him closely, to walk in His footsteps, to be ready, to live ready.

When? When will this happen? I’ll tell you. At just the right time. It is an appointed time, a sure thing, on God’s calendar. The world has had its day, and now God will have His. His day is our day — it’s not our doom, it’s our destiny. Jesus will return and all believers will forever be with Him. Encourage one another with these words. Jesus is coming!

Are you ready? If not, you have one more appointment. Turn to Jesus. Meet Him personally. Choose to follow Him. Your life will be forever changed.