Intentional to Be Missional

5 March 2023
Book: Hebrews

Bible Passage: Hebrews 5:11-14


Every journey has a beginning. A first step.

The Christian journey begins with Jesus convicting us. When we say “yes” to Him, we no longer belong to ourselves, we belong to Him. There is no condemnation, no shame. He simply begins to transform us. We become a reflection of God’s work in our lives to others.

The second step is that conviction becomes manifest in our heart to accomplish the work God has set out for us to do. This is where our faith becomes a verb, where our journey goes from milk to solid food. Now is the time to be an example in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. To devote ourselves to scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. To take a stand in His truth. To “be who you is, cause if you ain’t who you is, then you is who you ain’t — to find who you is in Jesus.”

The next step? Be intentional. The last words Jesus spoke on earth was telling His disciples, “Go!” We need to intentionally sojourn from the work God is doing in our life and “go” — reflect God’s work through acts of worship. When we worship, it manifests itself in teaching. What starts as praise, tells the truth of salvation. When we declare His glory, we see the work of God’s hand move. The only qualification we need is an encounter with Jesus and worship on our lips to spread it.

Our worship leads us to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice, to mature to the point of discerning God’s will. Worship is the foundation of our faith. It is worship that sustains it and matures it.

Be intentional to be missional. This means changing the purpose of our lives, to bring God’s purpose to whatever/everything we may be doing. It’s not our job to transform lives, that’s God’s work. What it does require is for us to intentionally go.

Who is being convicted right now to turn to Jesus? Who’s ready to get off the milk and start chomping on some steak? Who’s ready to be intentional and intentionally missional? Let’s do this! Let’s worship the only One who is worthy of all praise and be who you is in Jesus every moment of every day.