I Am the Mission

25 June 2023


When we hear “mission field”, we might think of traveling faraway to scary places, speaking rare dialects, and eating bugs. In actuality, we are all called to share His love with every footstep we take. Perhaps it’s across the street or the cubicle next to yours. It’s vital to go where He leads, to follow in His footsteps, and especially to teach others to hear God’s voice and obey Him so they can connect with Jesus.

In fact, right now, hear God saying:

I AM the Mission. You do not go and do for Me. You listen and follow. Teach others to listen and follow. Let Me lead and guide and show you. There is no large vision or strategy that you will understand. It is more than and less than what you think it is. This is the key. Teach others to hear My voice and obey what I say. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing is more important than that.

Where is God leading you? Ask Him. Take time to listen. He’ll always answer and show us how to love the people in our community so we can connect them with Jesus.