Faithfully Waiting and Working

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: 2 Thessalonians 3


Michelangelo was painting in an obscure corner of the Sistine Chapel. Someone asked him why he lavished such attention on a part of the ceiling no one would ever see. The master artist simply replied, “God will see.”

The apostle Paul noticed some people in the Thessalonica church were so focused on the second coming of Jesus that they stopped working. He spoke tough words to them, “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat. We urge you to work!”

So what does this have to do with us? 

Jesus is coming back. What do we do until He returns? We work! We work faithfully as to the Lord without growing weary in doing good. No matter what we might be doing, we do it for Him — ultimately for Him alone. Our faithful God sees and knows all we do, even when no one else will ever see. We can do this because God is with us. What an honor, then, it is to live for Him — waiting and watching for His return — and working for Him with all our might.