An Unshakable Kingdom
An Unshakable Kingdom
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Bible Passage: Hebrews 12:14-29
Sometimes life feels like it’s shaking all around us. You know how it is: dilemmas, diagnoses, difficulties, disasters — they all pop up unexpectedly. We oughta be quaking in our boots, and yet we can live an unshakable life. How can this be?
Because of Jesus, we have inherited an unshakable future, an unshakable joy, and an unshakable identity — an unshakable life! We gain a whole new perspective, a new way of facing this life and approaching God.
You see, while Jesus was on the cross, He was being judged. He was being shaken. He was getting the shaking that we rightly deserve. Jesus came, not to condemn, but to rescue us. He was shaken, so that we could be unshakable — and we can inherit an unshakable kingdom with Him!
Simply come to Jesus! We are God’s sons and daughters. We have a new future, a new joy and a new identity. Come to Jesus — and receive the kingdom that cannot be shaken.