A Tale of Two Cities

9 July 2023
Book: Hebrews

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Hebrews 13:7-16


Quick! What was the first line of A Tale of Two Cities? We may know the first couple of phrases: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.…” but there are 107 more words in the first sentence alone. (No wonder it’s such a chunky book.) These 119 “first” words are perfect to develop the contrasting themes of light and darkness, hope and despair, good and evil seen throughout the novel.

Here, too, in Hebrews 13, the writer contrasts two cities. One is our current city; we may have an address here but it is not our home. Thank God! Our eyes are focused on the City about to come. When we put our faith and trust in Jesus, we are citizens of the City of God but we’re temporary residents of another — for a purpose. 

You see, Jesus was crucified outside the city gates. That is where His blood was poured out to cleanse His people. So let’s go outside, where Jesus is, not trying to be privileged insiders, but instead expect some of the rejection, ridicule and disgrace Jesus endured. We’re here *for* the city that is against us.

And that’s our purpose! Love where we are planted — in our kitchens and workplaces and on the streets. Intentionally reach out to love others even when they may never love back. Invite them to come outside the city and meet Jesus — and point them to the coming eternal City.