A Gift for the Faithful Outcast

10 December 2023
Book: Luke

Speaker: Brandon Lohr

Bible Passage: Luke 2:21-38


When we think of the Christmas story, we might think of the usual cast of characters: Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, angels, wisemen, maybe a cow and some sheep. And then there’s Simeon and Anna. Who? If you blink, you might miss these two altogether. But they’re there.

We don’t know much about them. There’s only 13 verses telling their story, and yet sure enough, there they are. Two insignificant individuals. Two seemingly “old past-their-prime-time” outcasts. But they matter to God so take a look what happens to them…

Simeon is told by the Holy Spirit he wouldn’t die before he sees the Messiah. So see Simeon on tiptoe, wide-eyed and waiting a lifetime for the Promised One who was coming. This guy was old! But the wait was worth it. This worn-out faithful elderly man held the wee One in his arms. He knew He was holding the Savior of mankind!

And then there’s Anna. An 84-year-old widow who never leaves the Temple, but stays there worshiping God, day and night. At the very moment Simeon is talking with Mary and Joseph, Anna shows up. God chooses her to also recognize Jesus as the Messiah!She gets to be a part of this God-ordained moment!

What an unimaginable gift for the faithful outcasts! God reveals Himself to the seemingly unimportant. And God wants to reveal Himself to you, to use you in significant ways, to bless you with His presence. This Christmas season, may we focus intently on Jesus — longing to see His coming, waiting patiently, vigilantly, always ready!