An Atmosphere of Grace

16 February 2025
Book: Acts

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts 11:19-30


When we walk into a room, we might experience a certain sensation. Like walking into Gramma’s home, smelling homemade cookies and being embraced in her arms, we’ll feel loved and welcomed. So what would it be like to step into a church and sense an atmosphere of grace?

That was how Barnabas described the church of Antioch when he came by for a visit. First, you’ve got to understand: the city of Antioch was known for its debauchery, every sort of immorality and pagan worship imaginable. Dark, demonic, decandant…lost. The believers didn’t flinch. They marched right in, and by the hand of God, preached the good news about Jesus and a great number believed and turned to Him. 

Enter Barnabas. He comes and sees the grace of God at work and encourages them, “Look at what God has done — His grace is extended to everyone, even pagans. God’s hand is on you and His grace is on display through you. Don’t ever let that change.”

Life is full of fumbles and stumbles, mistakes and regret. The world tells us to try harder, work smarter, do whatever it takes to be successful. But the way of the cross points us to God’s grace. His boundless, liberating, refreshing grace. This should be the heart of every church, the heart of God’s people — to extend His grace to everyone, to embrace each person with His grace — and then watch God’s hand at work!