Forever Changed
Forever Changed
Speaker: Mickey Lohr
Bible Passage: Acts 10:1-33
David Bowie sang about changes, “Time may change me, but I can’t trace time.”
Dramatic changes took place in the lives of two fellows because they both said “Yes!” to God. Peter’s culture said, “Stay away from Gentiles.” Cornelius was an officer in the Roman army. Unkosher, unclean, unacceptable. One day their lives collided. And they were forever changed.
An angel tells Cornelius to contact Peter, and Cornelius sends three men to find him. At the same time, Peter has a vision that befuddles him, and yet, as he hears a knock at his door, he also hears the call of God in his heart. The door was being opened to accept all people into the church. No one is excluded, unreachable nor beyond God’s grace. The Gospel is for everybody. Peter has a massive change of heart and accepts the mission God has called him to do. He gets up and goes. May we do the same.
Following Jesus is a life that embraces change, radical change, a lifetime of change. It’s God at work in our lives, transforming us into Him image, changing our hearts to align with His. It starts with getting away from the craziness of life and turning to the Source of Life. A quiet place. A quiet time. A quiet heart. It starts with saying “Yes!” to God.