Your Damascus Road
Your Damascus Road
Speaker: Tom Beaman
Bible Passage: Acts 9:1-19
January 1, 1929. Roy Riegels picks up a fumble during the Rose Bowl and runs 69 yards — the wrong way — before his own quarterback stops him three yards away from their opponent’s goal line and tries to turn him around. Ever since, Roy has been known as “Wrong Way” Riegels.
If you’re not with Jesus, you’re going in the wrong direction.
One moment, Saul is on his way to Damascus to ravage the church, breathing threats and murder. The next, a bolt of bright light comes down from heaven, blinding Saul. And he hears a voice, saying, “Saul, Saul! Why are you persecuting Me?” Salvation begins with God reaching out to a person — personally, choosing Saul for a purpose.
In this, we can relate to Saul. We all have our own Damascus road. Jesus said, “Whoever is not with Me is against Me.” God takes the first step, reaching out to us, drawing us to Him, touching our hearts personally, revealing to us who He is. He chooses you on purpose for a purpose. How you respond to Him makes all the difference in the world.