Scattered Grace

1 December 2024
Book: Acts

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts 8:1-25


Life is unpredictable. How we respond to life is what makes the difference.

Look at John Bunyan, unjustly locked in a prison cell, he writes the timeless “Pilgrim’s Progress.” See George Washington, buried in the snows of Valley Forge, emerging a victor. Hear Ludwig van Beethoven, deaf, yet creating such mind boggling masterpieces.

The early church is in a “holy huddle” in Jerusalem — safe, settled, secure, not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. Boom! Persecution happens and the church scatters — and everywhere they go, they don’t hide, they talk about Jesus and extend God’s unimaginable grace to everyone they meet.

You see, the good news is for everybody. Nobody is beyond the grace of God.

It’s easy for us to become a bit complacent, safe and cozy within our walls, not ruffling feathers, keeping the peace. Sometimes God uses discomfort to move us where He needs us — to reach out, speak His words, talk about Jesus, extend His grace. How we respond to Him is what makes the difference. What’s stopping you? O the joy in seeing what God will do!