Empowered to Share Jesus' Message

13 October 2024
Book: Acts

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts 3:11-26


Ever sit at the seashore and watch the great schooners pass by majestically, propelled only by the wind? A fellow once asked an old salt about sailing a ship, “Will you explain to me the phenomenon of the wind?” The seaman shrugged, “I don’t know what you mean. I don’t know anything about the wind, but I can hoist a sail.”

So it was with Peter. Who can explain the deep workings of the Holy Spirit, but Peter experienced the Spirit’s power in his life. One moment, he’s on his way to the temple for prayer time and stops to talk with the lame beggar by the Beautiful Gate. Before you know it, the beggar who had never taken a step in his life is leaping around, creating quite a spectacle. People come rushing to see what’s going on. It’s quite the crowd. Obviously, they’re astonished at what they see. How can this be? The lame guy is jumping around, joyfully praising God.

What does Peter do? He could have continued on his way to the prayer meeting. Or he could have ran away from the masses in fear of the repercussions of speaking the truth. Or he could have just stood there, quiet, letting people think whatever they wanted. But no, he notices the people’s confusion, and empowered by the Spirit, he takes a bold stand in the most public of places to share all about Jesus — and how they needed to turn to God.

And we can do the same. Everyday we have countless opportunities to share about Jesus. We have the best news ever. And we’re not alone — the Holy Spirit empowers us to speak His message. So let’s hoist those sails, trust fully in God and see what He will do!