Radical Unselfishness

29 September 2024
Book: Acts

Speaker: Mickey Lohr

Bible Passage: Acts 2:42-47


A guy told his friends recently he wasn’t going to any more baseball games. And then he went on and on, all the reasons why…

“The seats are uncomfortable
The coach doesn’t know my name
The umpire makes calls I don’t agree with
I have other stuff to do at game time
The games are too long and boring
The fans sitting around me aren’t nice
The organist plays songs I don’t know
I can be just as good a fan while camping and fishing
I know more than the coaches do anyway”

Kinda crazy the things people come up with, eh? So many excuses and unmet expectations. But don’t people sometimes do the same when it comes to going to church? They expect cushier seats, familiar music and short services. But is that what church is all about? I don’t think so either.

The early church had the right priorities. In a nutshell: “All the believers devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles, fellowship and prayers.”

When Jesus stepped into history, He showed us how to display radical unselfishness, to love and live for Him — and others. When we follow in His footsteps —  being a part of His upside-down church that turns the world “right-side-up” again — the world will notice. And it absolutely changes everything.