The Race Well Finished
The Race Well Finished
Speaker: Brandon Lohr
Bible Passage: Hebrews 12:1-13
Ask Mister No-Brainer and he’ll tell you, running a marathon is hard. It requires focus, discipline and perseverance, running with endurance to cross the finish line. The writer of Hebrews could have been a long distance runner. Or maybe he was a coach. He sure knew a lot about running races — and motivating and encouraging his readers to victory.
Here, he compares our Christian life to a race that requires perseverance, a race that is an all-out effort from start to finish, a race that needs to be finished well. How do we do this? A couple of ways.
First, the Hebrews writer shows how some of the Old Testament “greats” — people just like us — were successful. They are proof it’s possible to win the prize. Their stories show how they trusted in the only One who is faithful. It is God who will see us through. And now they are in the stadium stands, cheering us on, calling on us to finish strong.
Secondly, look to Jesus, our ultimate example. Ponder His life. Consider His ways. Mediate on His words. Remember what Jesus endured for us. Anything we face or will every face is nothing in comparison. He knows how we feel because He’s been there. Find strength in Jesus. He’ll remain faithful to us.
The world has never known a heart so pure, a character so flawless. His mercy so abundant He never missed a chance to forgive. No lie left His lips, no distraction marred His vision. He touched when others recoiled. He endured when others quit. Jesus is the ultimate model for every person. He ran the race perfectly.
Keep focused only on Jesus. And run the race well finished.